The Velocity as a Function of Time for a World-class Track Sprinter

hi there, would you be able to help me pls? thanks 1) graph of v(t)...

hi there, would you be able to help me pls? thanks

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1) graph of v(t) is shown (see figure below) for a world-class track sprinter in a race. What is the sprinter's average velocity during the first 7 seconds of the race? Express your answer in m/s. Runner Velocity vs. Time 14 Velocity (m/s) 0 N 4 6 8 10 12 Time (s)

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Consider the baby being weighed in the Figure below (a) What is the mass of the child and basket ifa scale reading of 53 N is observed? (b) What is the tension T1 in the cord attaching the baby to the scale? (c) What is the tension T: in the cord attaching the scale to the ceiling, ifthe scale has a mass of 0.32 kg?

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A SO-kg wooden box is resting on flat ground. Assume the friction coefficient between the surface of the box and the ground are: us = 0.4 and #k = 0.3 . Assume g = 9.8m."s2 and take right as the positive direction and left as the negative. What is the friction force acting on the box? O147N O 0 N (there is no friction force acting on the box)

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Block A and B start from rest and slide down two frictionless ramps. Block B has double the mass of block A. What is the acceleration of blockA and block B? CBIOCk A: (1A = g . BIOCK B: RB = 3 0Block A: M = 3:2 . Block 3:113 = '25:; {Block A: 0,4 = 3:2 . Block B: a3 = fig {Block A: 0,4 = 2g . Block 3:113 = «fig 'CJThere is not enough information to answer the question. I'- You have used 0 of3 attempts l-L' .9 Save Reset Submit Inclined plane (Part II} 1 point possible {graded} Block A and B start from rest and slide down two frictionless ramps. Block B has double the mass of block A. Which block is moving faster by the time it reaches the bottom of the ramp? (Block A (Block B OThey are moving at the same speed. (Where is not enough information to answer the question.

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You want to move a 60 kg wooden desk that is at rest on your hardwood floor. You push the desk with a horizontal force of 200 N. What happens next? (The friction coefficients for wood on wood are us = 0.5 and uk = 0.2.) The desk starts moving with constant speed. The desk accelerates. OThe desk doesn't move. Submit You have used 0 of 1 attempt Save Reset Box on the back of a truck 1 point possible (graded) The pick-up truck in front of you is braking in front of a red light. There is a heavy box in the back of the pick-up truck that is not secured by a rope or in contact with any side wall. You observe that the box is not sliding while the truck is braking. Which of the following friction forces acts on the box to hold it in place? Oa) A static friction force in the direction of motion of the truck "b) A static friction force opposite to the direction of motion of the truck Oc) A kinetic friction force in the direction of motion of the truck Od) A kinetic friction force opposite to the direction of motion of the truck Ce) A rolling friction force in the direction of motion of the truck Of) A rolling friction force opposite to the direction of motion of the truck "g) No friction force because the box is not moving relative to the truck

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Speed and drag (P 5.24) 1 point possible (graded) What is the percent increase in the drag force on a car as it goes from 79 km/h to 108 km/h? Submit You have used 0 of 5 attempts Save Reset Parking on an incline (P 5.12) 1 point possible (graded) If an object is to rest on an incline without slipping, then friction must equal the component of the weight of the object parallel to the incline. This requires greater and greater friction for steeper slopes. For a static coefficient us = 0.99 between the incline and the tires, what is the maximum angle of the incline above the horizontal for which a parked car will not slide down? Assume that a = 0 and that static friction has reached its maximum value. Provide your answer in degrees to one decimal place. Submit You have used 0 of 5 attempts Save Reset

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Two children pull a third child on a snow saucer sled exerting forces F1 and F'zas shown from above in the figure below. Note that the direction of the frictional force is unspecified; it will be in the opposite direction of the sum of?) and FE, F.=1ON k a) Find the magnitude ofthe acceleration of the 49-kg sled and child system. b) Find the direction of the acceleration of the 49-kg sled and child system, in degrees above the horizontal. Hint: Make sure you use the proper signs for the horizontal and vertical components of each force. Assume that angles measured counter-clock wise (relative to the horizontal axis) are positive) and angles measured clock-wise {relative to the horizontal axis) are negative. Submit You have used 0 of 5 attempts ,_-_. 3 Save Reset The skier {P 5.11) 2 points possible (graded) a) Calculate the acceleration of a skier heading down a 11" slope, assuming the coefficient of friction for waxed wood on wet snow. Ignore air resistance. (y; = 0.14. pk = 0.1 from table 5.1 in the textbook.) b) Find the angle of the slope down which this skier could coast at a constant velocity. Again, ignore air resistance. Submit You have used 0 of 5 attempts ,_-_. 3 Save Reset

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You are tossing some tennis balls from the roof of a tall building with the same initial speed. Which ball will hit the ground at the highest speed? (Ignore air drag). Justify your answer. OBall A Ball B OBall C They all hit the ground with the same speed

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Three kids, Anna (m = 20 kg), Bert (m = 25 kg), and Corinne (m = 30 kg) are standing on their (identical) skateboards. Initially they are all at rest. Their older brother Dan gives each of them a push with a force of 100 N. Neglect the small amount of rolling friction in this problem. a) Rank the kids according to their kinetic energy after Dan has pushed each of them with 100 N over the same distance. 1. A>B>C 02. C>B>A 03. B>C>A 04. C>A>B 05. B>A>C 06. A=B=C b) Rank the kids according to their speed after Dan has pushed each of them with 100 N over the same distance. 01. A>B>C 02. C>B>A 03. B>C>A 04. C>A>B 05. B>A>C 6. A=B=C c) Rank the kids according to their kinetic energy after Dan has pushed each of them with 100 N over the same time. (say, for example, 5 seconds) 01. A>B>C 02. C>B>A 03. B>C>A 04. C>A>B 05. B>A>C 06. A=B=C

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If you toss a ball upward with a certain velocity, it reaches a maximum height h. What maximum height does the ball reach ifyou throw it upward with double the initial velocity assuming that air drag can be neglected? Gosh 02h 04h

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Amy and Bobby race up a hill that is 30 m high as shown. They both start from rest and stop at the top. Amy who has a mass of 60 kg races up the steep slope and she covers a distance of 60 m in 40 5. Her little brother Bobby who has a mass of44 kg races up the less steep side of the hill and his total distance is 100 m, which he covers in 35 5. Express all your answers in J. What is the change in the mechanical energy of Amy? What is the change in the mechanical energy of Bobby? What is the work that amy does in going up the hill? What is the work that Bobby does in going up the hill? Submit You have used 0 of5 attempts g. I; Save Reset

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The Velocity as a Function of Time for a World-class Track Sprinter


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